If you have been struggling unsuccessfully with stubborn cellulite, it's a sign that you haven't yet experienced the shockwave therapy ZWave Pro. This non-invasive treatment will free you from both cellulite and fatty tissue, significantly improving skin firmness.





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The acoustic waves generated by ZWave Pro promote the reduction of both cellulite and fatty tissue. They lead to the relaxation of connective tissue and improve skin firmness. Moreover, they enhance circulation in tissues and activate the breakdown of fat cells, contributing to a reduction in their volume. The stimulation of collagen production makes the skin elastic and firm, reducing any signs of cellulite and unevenness.

Where does cellulite come from?

The problem of cellulite more commonly affects women. This is due to the fact that women's skin has a layer of fatty tissue with thin septa of connective tissue arranged perpendicular to its surface. The development of lipodystrophy, also known as "orange peel skin," is also favored by hormonal imbalances, various genetic predispositions, biological race, and contraception. Additionally, the formation of cellulite is also associated with circulatory disorders, the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index, lack of physical activity, and stress.

The device has received the prestigious FDA certificate (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) as equipment suitable for the treatment and reduction of cellulite. The technology utilizing acoustic waves is widely regarded in the market as a leading solution for reducing "orange peel skin," shaping the silhouette, and firming the skin

How does it work?

Acoustic waves, also called shockwaves or radial waves, strike the accumulated cellulite and break it down, thereby leading to the reduction of fatty tissue and increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin. They can be used in the therapy of fibrotic cellulite of III and IV degrees. Moreover, the treatments can be applied preventively by younger individuals to prevent the formation of cellulite.

Why is ZWave so effective?

The treatment results in:

  • temporal improvement of blood flow caused by the massage and the resulting dilation of blood vessels,
  • rupture of connections between fat cells, which stimulates their metabolism,
  • formation of new blood vessels, leading to a long-term improvement in blood flow,
  • dehydration and elimination of metabolic waste products – the effect of lymphatic drainage,
  • reduction of fat tissue through mechanical and biological lipolysis,
  • softening of fibrotic tissues (that have undergone fibrosis),
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis, leading to improved elasticity and firmness of the skin.

How many ZWave Pro treatments are needed to achieve the desired result?

The number of sessions needed to achieve desired results can vary. It's important to consider the individual's starting point, and the number of sessions remains an individual matter. Crafting a treatment plan should also be adapted to the individual's body shape. We often combine Z Wave with other technologies.

For intensive therapies, it's best to conduct a series of about 10-14 sessions every 2-3 days.

How does Z Wave Pro treatment look like?

There is no need for special preparation for the acoustic wave treatment. The procedure is performed on bare skin. The applicator is typically applied vertically to the treatment area, but in some areas of the body, such as the abdomen, it may be applied at an angle, creating a fold. ZWave Pro is equipped with 8 calibrated programs specifically tailored for this purpose. The treatment is non-invasive and does not leave visible marks on the skin.




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