Loose up to 40% of excess fat during one cryolipolysis treatment enhanced with shockwave therapy. This safe procedure not only eliminates unwanted fat but also stimulates collagen production, leaving the tissue tightened and reducing the issue of loose skin.





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Cryolipolysis is the most effective and safest method for reducing localized unwanted fat tissue. The technology is based on the action of low temperatures on the degradation of fat cells. Cryolipolysis leads to the apoptosis of adipocytes without damaging the skin and other tissues. This process is possible due to the difference in the crystallization temperatures of various cells in our body. Lipids in fat cells degrade at a higher temperature than other water-filled cells. 

How does it work? How does ZLipo cryolipolysis reduce unwanted fat?

Cryolipolysis involves damaging fat cells through low temperatures. The ZLipo device suctions the area where we want to get rid of excess fat. In the applicator, the temperature is lowered from -5°C to -10°C, at such temperatures, fat cells crystallize and then break down into small crystals, which are metabolized by the body. Cryolipolysis is a method that permanently removes fat cells, which, after undergoing apoptosis, have no possibility of regeneration.

Want to schedule a treatment? Call us now! +48 795 006 748

ZLIPO treatment consists of 4 stages:

 Stage I - suction of tissues with a pulsating mode (5 minutes)

Stage II - maintaining a constant low temperature (45 minutes)

Stage III - pulsating return to the initial state (10 minutes)

Stage IV - breaking frozen and damaged fat cells with ZWave PRO shockwave.

What does the combination of ZLipo and acoustic wave provide? How does this combination increase the effectiveness of cryolipolysis by up to 40%?

 In our clinic, we always combine ZLipo cryolipolysis with ZWave acoustic wave because it ensures maximum safety of the procedure and increases its effectiveness by 40%. When applying low temperatures to the tissue, adipocyte crystallization occurs. However, not all fat cells subsequently undergo breakdown. Some adipocytes are only damaged to some extent. This fact forces the body to save them, which can lead to a significant inflammatory response and potential complications. By applying acoustic waves immediately after cryolipolysis, we break down semi-damaged cells, minimizing the risk of excessive inflammation and destroying all cells that have undergone crystallization in a given procedure. Such a procedure is supported by clinical studies, which have proven that this combined therapy yields results twice as effective as traditional cryolipolysis performed as a standalone treatment.

During one treatment, there is a reduction in fat of approximately 30-40%. Additionally, in such a procedure, we achieve results much faster, around 4-6 weeks, compared to other devices of this type, which typically take 3-6 months.

 What distinguishes our procedure? What does the price include?

Our procedure consists of 3 stages.

The first stage involves qualifying for the procedure and measuring the fat tissue using ultrasound (USG). Such measurements allow for later verification of the effectiveness of the treatment and ensure that the patient is correctly qualified for the procedure. The minimum thickness of fat tissue that can be subjected to cryolipolysis is 1.5 cm.

The second stage involves performing the cryolipolysis procedure using the applicator.

The third stage involves performing shockwave therapy on the treated area immediately after removing the applicator. 

In our clinic, the price of cryolipolysis includes:

  • Two measurements of body fat using ultrasound - one before the start of the procedure and the other one month after the end of the procedure to assess post-treatment effects.
  • Cryolipolysis treatment
  • Shockwave treatment immediately after removing the applicator 

If you're not sure whether this is the right procedure for you, call and schedule a consultation! +48 795 006 748

What does a proper ZLipo cryolipolysis look like?

ZLipo cryolipolysis begins with the application of the cold original disposable Zimmer MedizinSysteme conducting mat. The mat is covered with a special gel that protects the skin from damage while allowing the conduction of cold into the tissue. The applicator or applicators are placed on the properly positioned mat if two areas are being treated. This leads to the suction of the skin fold and a gradual decrease in temperature. The duration of cryolipolysis is 60 minutes for body treatments and 45 minutes for chin treatments.

 After the appropriate time has passed, we remove the applicators and immediately perform the ZWave PRO wave to maximize the treatment's effect. Additionally, the ZWave PRO wave stimulates collagen production, tightening tissues, and reducing the issue of "loose skin".

 The procedure for cryolipolysis of the chin area looks a bit different. We do not use the ZWave acoustic wave here. Instead, we perform a special intensive lymphatic massage, which will have the same effect as the acoustic wave on the body.

 In which areas can we apply cryolipolysis? 

Localized excess fat in the areas of:

  • stomach,
  • inner thigh area,
  • above the knees,
  • external part of thighs (so-called "breeches"),
  • arms,
  • back (folds beneath the bra line),
  • so-called "love handles",
  • chin,
  • male chest (after diagnosing pseudogynecomastia).

 Post-treatment recommendations 

The combined procedure helps avoid excessive inflammation, thereby reducing hardening, swelling, and tissue tenderness. However, the skin in the treated area may be slightly tender in the first few days, and there is a possibility of bruising. It is undeniable that compared to other competitive cryolipolysis procedures, the tissue recovery period is minimized.

It is crucial to drink plenty of water immediately after the procedure and increase physical activity. The breakdown of fat cells releases fat that should be burned, so we recommend increasing physical activity, especially in the first post-treatment week.


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