lighten skin discolorations?


Are you struggling with skin discolorations and want to remove them effectively? In this case you will be delighted with the effects of Leonardo A.L.T., already after the very first treatment. It will not only remove discolorations, but also ensure collagen fiber renewal.





You can schedule a treatment right away, or undergo a consultation to discuss the treatment plan!


Are you struggling with skin discolorations and want to remove them effectively? In this case you will be delighted with the effects of Leonardo A.L.T., already after the very first treatment. It will not only remove discolorations, but also ensure collagen fiber renewal.

What is characteristic for this type of lesions is their recurrence. Therefore, to get rid of disccolorations permanently, we need to act in two ways. First, we remove the existing discoloration - and this is where Leonardo comes to our aid. Second, we calm the deregulated monogenesis process. Here, post-treatment care based on filters and tyrosinase inhibitors will be of key importance.

How does Leonardo A.L.T. lighten skin discolorations?

With the ability to use two types of filters, namely 530 and 590, the treatment can level both shallow epidermal discoloration and deep discoloration within the dermis.

The right choice of filters and energy allows us to act on melanin and hemoglobin chromophore. This in turn provides the ability to act on different layers of the skin and reduce discolorations at different levels. 

A.L.T. technology gives the opportunity to deliver the maximum dose of energy with minimal risk of adverse reactions. The energy emitted by the device is absorbed by melanin, which, due to the accumulation of so much energy, is damaged and removed in the process of keratinization.

This in turn leads to an overall brightening of the skin and reduction of discoloration. Treatment of excessive pigmentation also involves the renewal of collagen fibers within the dermis.

How many treatments are needed?

It is difficult to determine how many treatments are needed, as this is an individual matter and depends on the severity and location of pigmentation changes, genetic conditions and daily skin care.

What is certain, however, is that the Leonardo light is not able to identify and destroy all melanin lesions during one treatment. Therefore, we always recommend a minimum of two treatments, although the effect is truly spectacular often after the first one. In addition Leonardo also stimulates collagen production, which leads to a photo-rejuvenating effect.

What does the treatment look like?

We begin each treatment with an interview and exclusion of any contraindications. Then we clean the treatment area and protect the eyes with special glasses. We apply a conductive gel and then apply the head. During the procedure, a series of flashes are emitted, and a characteristic sound is heard.

Is the procedure painful?

Our patients say that although the procedure is not the most pleasant, but it does not hurt. Only small "punctures" and heat are felt. The procedure itself takes about a dozen minutes. After the procedure, we protect the skin with SPF 50 filter.


You can schedule a treatment right away, or undergo a consultation to discuss the treatment plan!



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